Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Parasites Lab

Parasite Lab: Movie “Parasite: Eating us Alive”

1.Parasite= an organism that lives on or in another organism- parasites are detrimental to host
2. Major ways parasites spread:
water, food, vectors
3. Vector= a carrier that transmits parasites from one host to another ex. mosquito
4. Intermediate host= a host that is part of the lifecycle of a parasite
- is needed for development of the parasite and is not the final host
5. Difference bw Vector and Intermediate Host
-both harbor and transmit parasite to host
-Vector= seeks out host ex. mosquito seeks out your blood
-Intermediate host= is just there and it is random if it finds you
6. Ways scientists are trying to Stop/slow spread of Parasites: 
a. Chemicals-can potentially harm environment ex. DDT
b. Water treatment
c. Proper food storage/preparation 
d. Vector control
e. Biological controls=  using one parasite to kill another
f. Vaccines= difficult to produce bc parasites have so many different stages of life with different antigenic markers
7. Parasites can NEVER completely be eliminated bc there are multiple different species that they use as their hosts
8. Plasmodium falciparum= Severe Cerebral Malaria= 
-parasite carried by mosquitoes
-big problem worldwide
-lives in human blood
- can be deadly, especially this form that attacks the brain
Parasites Seen in Our Lab
3 Categories of Parasites

1. Protozoa: ex. Plasmodium falciparum= severe cerebral malaria- we look a blood smear with RBCs containing parasite
2. Helminths (worms) 3 types:
a. Nematodes= roundworms
ex. we look at Ascaris eggs in microscope- Ascaris is a worm that produces eggs with bumps on surface
b. Cestodes= tapeworms
c. Trematodes= flukes
3. Ectoparasites= live/feed on surface of host
ecto= outside
2 types we look at in lab- note only females in these species are parasitic
a. Mosquitos
b. Ticks 

Protozoa= Plasmodium falciparum

Helminths - Ascaris Lumbricoides  Eggs 

Helminths Ascaris Lumbricoides

Helminths- Cestodes= tapeworms

 these look like little white rice granules

Trematodes- flukes 

Ectoparasites- live/feed on host

Ectoparasites- live/feed on host
Tick- after feeding 

Tick before feeding 

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