Thursday, October 13, 2011

(Lecture) "The Boy in the Bubble" Movie

1. What is SCID, and how does it lead to death?
Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency=SCID
-a genetic disease 
-no immune system- so any germ can kill you
-only affects males
2. What was one doctor’s bold new idea to address SCID in the 1970’s?
 Place infants at risk for SCID in a sterile plastic bubble immediately after birth until they can be tested for disease
 If they end up having disease then give them a bone marrow transplant for new immune system
3. Why did the plan not work for David?
-bc David’s older sister was not a bone marrow match 
4. When David was 18months old, what choices faced the doctors regarding his condition?
- they thought about removing David from bubble and letting disease run its natural course, because there were no treatments at the time and the bubble was originally a temporary not permanent structure 
-they decided to leave him in the bubble 
5. How did David become a research subject, and did this benefit science?
- bc doctors performed experiments/tests on him to understand the disease
-plus they kept him in a bubble
- Yes, research benefited science, learned:
- how SCID was caused
- that viruses can lead to cancer
- what germ free blood was like
- what isolation does to children 
6. How did the doctors control his behavior when he tired to poke holes in the bubble?
- They made him aware of the dangers presented by the outside world
-ie. they told him how microbes would kill him
7. Why did David’s special suit not work?
- bc he was afraid of getting in suit bc he didn’t want germs to get him
8. As David grew older and more aware of his situation, how did he respond psychologically?
- Depression, anxiety, distant, fearful, nightmares
9.What new hope was there for David at age 12?
- Experimental bone marrow transplant from non match ie. his sister could now donate her bone marrow even though it wasn’t a perfect match
10, How did David die?
-after receiving experimental bone marrow transplant, his body grew various cancerous tumors because his sisters bone marrow contained a dormant virus
-lead to discovery that viruses can cause cancer 

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